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This race ended 06/05/18 - check out the final activity here.

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  • From: Calais, ME
  • To: Key West, FL
  • Start date: August 11, 2016
  • End date: June 5, 2018
  • 9:15 EST
  • 11:36 EST
  • Route distance: 3,174 miles
  • Total logged: 0.0 miles
By 2030, the East Coast Greenway will connect major US cities on the Atlantic coast with a  3,000-mile greenway/rail trail for non-motorized human transportation.  Today, you can cruise this route virtually. Cycle, run or walk locally, then log your miles here to get a 360° street view of your new virtual location, plus the opportunity see and comment on what others are logging. 100% of donations, less CC fees, support the Greenway Alliance.
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